Wednesday 4 November 2015

Preliminary Task

Hey there, For the preliminary task, we are required to create a short piece of film, showing a character opening a door, walking into a room and exchanging a few lines of dialect. We have to create a storyline, film it, and edit it all ourselves. I am looking forward to being creatively challenged in all of these aspects. I am working with my two friends, Phoebe and Shannon, who are also very keen to get started and see how our film turns out. Phoebe and Shannon are taking the roles of acting in the film whilst I operate the camera and lighting. As well as starring in the production, both of my fellow students will be managing the props, set and any other details part of the mise en scene. We are all going to share the responsibility of editing and each do our part during that process. The task requires us to involve 3 techniques of filming in our film. they are: Match on Action The change of perspective in a scene which shows a flow of events without you even noticing that this is all camera work. 180 Degree Rule The rule that states that you always have to keep within 180 degrees when you are filming characters talking or in certain still positions. If this rule is not applied , then it can confuse viewers as to where there characters are in a room and often leave them feeling disorientated. Shot Reverse Shot Shooting a conversational scene where the shot shows one person talking and then switches to the other person talking.

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