Thursday, 7 January 2016

Research and Making Decisions

My group has been doing research on horror thrillers as we have decided that is what our main task production will be, after asking fellow students what sort of thrillers they enjoyed. We spent a couple of hours researching horror concepts and popular horror movies and after this research we decided on making our thriller one based on a demonic possession of a young girl. We decided this because we found the whole concept fascinating and we wanted to show our own take on it. In order to get a feel for the idea, we watched numerous videos of people claiming to perform exorcisms on others, as well as this, I went away and watched some movies with the same sort of possession concept, such as ‘The Last Exorcism’, ‘The Possession’, ‘The Exorcist’ and ‘The Devil Inside’. Watching these movies has helped me to visualise the sort of feel I want for my thriller opening as well as giving me ideas as to what I want my characters/sets to look like. Upon deciding a name for our thriller, the three of us looked on an online thesaurus for ideas in terms of a single word title. However after not being able to find a title through this method, we turned to researching mythology around possessions and stumbled across a demon named Lamia that preys on children, and as we had decided to have our films based a child being possessed, we thought this demon would be the perfect basis for our film, so we have decided to use this demons name for our title.

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