Thursday, 21 January 2016

Fitting the Criteria

Hi there,
So last lesson, we watched a few examples of other students final films and got to guess how they were graded and afterwards, we were told the actual grades they were given by the examiners. I found this exercise very helpful because it allowed me to understand how our films would be judged and graded. I learned that it's all about fitting the criteria of the task we have been set, and that the examiners will understand that this will be our first film so it's not expected to be perfect.
When watching these films, I noticed a few features that I liked that other students had used. One thing I liked was the use of flickering images in one of the films, and I want to learn how it's done and include it in my groups video.
Also I liked one groups use of sound, how they made it sound natural and I hope to learn to use sound in the way they did.

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